
Enrollment at Sandburg Elementary

Who can enroll at Sandburg:

  • Students who reside within the Sandburg boundaries.  You can check your neighborhood school by going to school finder.

  • Students who have applied and have been accepted to the Choice program.

Please complete all the forms below and email them to [email protected]  

Please include the following documents:

  • Birth Certificate

  • Immunization Records

  • Proof of Residence (Utility Bill: SDG&E, Cable or Water) Enrolling parent/guardian’s name must be present on the documentation.

Benefits for Students

  • A sound instructional program focusing on critical thinking skills in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Development of positive attitudes toward all people and an understanding of the contributions made by various racial and ethnic groups.
  • Increased enthusiasm for learning and higher motivation for academic achievement via a uniquely diverse curriculum and high expectations.
  • Homework assignments that are meaningful reinforce learning and provide practice opportunities.
  • Warm and positive, yet firm and consistent discipline code.
  • Opportunities to display creative works that will enhance the development of self-esteem and school pride.
  • A friendly, caring, and exciting environment.
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