Sunday Notes


Good Evening Sandburg Tigers!

Although it is important to show gratitude all year long, I wanted to start this message with a moment of gratitude to our amazing Sandburg community. Thank you to all of our students, families, staff and community members that come together to support Sandburg everyday. I am truly thankful for our school community and look forward to the rest of a great school year ahead! I hope you all enjoy your Fall break with friends and family!

NO SCHOOL - November 20th-24th

School will be closed November 20th-24th for the Fall Break. School will resume on Monday, November 27th.

Friday Assembly and Principal/AP Coffee Chat

Our next Friday morning assembly will be on Friday, December 1st, at 7:45 AM. We invite you to come and celebrate with our Sandburg Tigers! Following the assembly is our November/December Principal/AP Coffee Chat (from approximately 8:15-8:45). If you have a question you want addressed or a topic you want discussed, you may submit them HERE.

Mira Mesa Library

Check out the November calendar and these flyers linked below for some fun activities hosted by the Mira Mesa Library during the Thanksgiving break.

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

Storybox Theatre

Manga & Anime Club

Mira Mesa Girls Softball

Mira Mesa Girls Softball is a non-profit recreational league that is operated completely by volunteers. We at MMGS offer a supportive and inspiring environment where the emphasis is ensuring the girls enjoy their experience, regardless of their softball experience level. Every coach and activity in the league is focused on building self confidence, promoting good sportsmanship, delivering positive reinforcement, developing relationships and making lifelong friendships while simultaneously developing fundamental skills and fostering a love for the sport. 

While we fund ourselves entirely from registration fees, community sponsorships, and snack bar sales, our registration fees are some of the lowest in the county! Fees may be discounted for those needing financial assistance (application required) as no girl should ever be excluded due to financial hardship. 

Registration is OPEN! Early Bird Discount available through November, Sibling and military discounts also available. register at:

MMGS Flyer

Upcoming Important Dates

Monday, Nov. 20-24 - NO SCHOOL - Fall Break

Friday, December 1st - Friday Morning Assembly and Coffee Chat - 7:45 AM

Friday, December 15th - Friday Morning Assembly - 7:45 AM

Friday, December 15th - Extra Modified Day - 12:05 PM Dismissal

Monday, December 18th - Tuesday, January 2nd - NO SCHOOL - Winter Break


Miss Burningham


Good Evening Sandburg Tiger Families!

I hope you have all enjoyed your long weekend in honor of Veterans Day! Thank you to all of our Veterans in the Sandburg community for your service and thank you to all of the families who are currently serving

Happy Diwali to all who celebrate! Diwali signifies the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. 

Books about Diwali

Diwali Video

World Kindness Day Spirit Week

We hope that all Tigers will join our student lighthouse team and recognizing world kindness day with a spirit week. Please see the flyer attached below for each day’s themes. We look forward to seeing our tigers, creativity, and celebrating kindness together!

Spirit Week Flyer

Lost and Found

With the colder morning in many students wearing layers, we are seeing an increase in our loss and it is currently overflowing. The lost and found will be home on the front fence this coming week and will be donated on Friday prior to our fall break. Please stop by to claim your lost items!

Friday Assembly

We hope you will join us for our upcoming Friday morning assembly on this Friday, November 17th at 7:45 AM. This month we will be learning about Habit 3: First Things First, celebrating run club accomplishments, and recognizing our Veterans. We encourage all veterans and active duty military to join us at the assembly!

Conference Week - 12:05 Dismissal all Week

We look forward to meeting with all of our parents this coming week during our parent teacher conference week. Please remember that all week we have 12:05 dismissal, so please make arrangements to ensure your child is picked up on time.

French Teacher for OWLS Program

We had a great first five weeks of Operation World Language Success where our students learned Spanish and about the culture. Our next session is supposed to be for French but we have been unable to identify a French instructor. Please let me know if anyone would be interested in teaching the French class.

Three Treasures Holiday Camp

Please see the flyer attached below for details about the Three Treasures upcoming holiday camps.

Holiday Camp Flyer

Important Upcoming Dates

November 13th - 17th - Modified Days all week for Parent/Teacher Conferences - 12:05 PM Dismissal all week

Friday, November 17th - Friday Morning Assembly

Monday, November 20th - Friday, November 24th - NO SCHOOL - Fall Break

Miss Burningham


Good Evening Sandburg Tiger Families!

We are looking forward to having the opportunity to meet with all of our families for parent teacher conferences. Please make sure you set up an appointment with your Tiger’s teacher. Parent conferences are an important opportunity for you to learn about your child’s progress and learn about how you can partner with the school to support your child’s growth. We have a goal of meeting with 100% of our families!

During November and December, I would like to highlight Habit 3 in Leader in Me. Habit 3 is Put First Things First. When we put first things first, we make a schedule and put time towards our big rocks each day, we are organized, stay focused and minimize distractions when we are off task. Please see the resources below for more information about how you can practice Habit 3 at home.

Family Activity - Work First, Then Play

7 Habits Reflection - Planning the Truly Important

Federal Impact Aid Survey

Completing the survey allows the school district to earn a significant amount of income which can be used for any general fund purpose such as instructional materials, salaries, transportation, technology or capital gains.  Please use the link attached to complete the survey in the parent portal. On the parent portal under Navigation select: Forms / General Forms / 2023-23 Impact Aid Program Survey Form

Paper forms went home last week. You do not need to complete both the online and paper form. We do prefer for you to complete the online form if possible.

School Pictures

The school pictures were delivered to school last Friday and will be going home this week. 

Free Eye Exams

Free eye exams are available for children through UCSD EYEMOBILE during thanksgiving break. Please see the flyer below for more information.

Eye Exam Flyer

Important Upcoming Dates

Thursday, November 9th - Family Movie Night

Friday, November 10th - NO SCHOOL - Veterans Day

November 13th - 17th - Modified Days all week for Parent/Teacher Conferences - 12:05 PM Dismissal all week

Friday, November 17th - Friday Morning Assembly

Miss Burningham

Sandburg Sunday Message - 10/26/23

Good Evening Sandburg Tiger Families!

I hope you all had a wonderful and fun-filled San Diego Fall weekend! I was reminded this weekend of all there is to enjoy in our beautiful city! As we approach Halloween on Tuesday, we look forward to a fun day and encourage everyone to be safe as you are out trick-or-treating and enjoying the holiday. Please remember that students are not permitted to bring candy to school as part of their snack and lunch. 

From October 31-November 2nd, Dia de los Muertos is celebrated. The Day of the Dead (el Día de los Muertos), is a Mexican holiday where families welcome back the souls of their deceased relatives for a brief reunion that includes food, drink and celebration. Here is a brief video (click on the image below) about Dia de los Muertos if you and your children are interested in meaning more.

Federal Impact Aid Survey

Completing the survey allows the school district to earn a significant amount of income which can be used for any general fund purpose such as instructional materials, salaries, transportation, technology or capital gains.  Please use the link attached to complete the survey in the parent portal. On the parent portal under Navigation select: Forms / General Forms / 2023-23 Impact Aid Program Survey Form

Paper forms will also be coming this week. You do not need to complete both the online and paper form. We do prefer for you to complete the online form if possible

Smart Watches and Cell Phones

We have been having an increase in issues with smart watches and celephones. Smart watches can only be used as watches during the school day. Students are not allowed to send or receive text messages or phone calls using their smart watch during the school day. We encourage all students to keep cell phones at home as the school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged devices. If you choose to send a cell phone with your Tiger, it must stay in their backpack the entire day while school is in session. They cannot use it during the school day for any reason. If it is seen out of their backpack, they will be confiscated and a parent will need to pick it up from the front office. If you need to get a message to your child during the day, please email the teacher or call the Sandburg office at 619-605-4700.

Mira Mesa Little League

Join Mira Mesa Little League to  play baseball! All skill levels and age groups. Registration information: 

November 1st Mira Mesa Epicenter Meeting

The Mira Mesa Cluster Schools Committee is hosting an information session for the Epicenter project that is underway! Please plan to join us:

Date: November 1, 2023

Time: 6-7:30pm

Where: MMHS Media Center

Come hear the plans for the site and for the programming. We'll put a spotlight on student voice with a student panel to weigh in on how to design experiences that will serve teens well.  Finally, there will be plenty of time for questions.

Epicenter Flyer

Pajama Day - Monday, October 30th

To celebrate reading over 135,000 minutes so far this year, we are having a pajama day and bring a stuffed animal to read with day on Monday, October 30th. Great job Tigers and keep reading every day!

Halloween - Tuesday, October 31st

Students are being allowed to wear costumes at school on Tuesday, October 31st. Please make sure to follow your classroom teacher’s directions as students may be wearing them at different times of the day. Please all remember that all costumes must be school appropriate with no masks, no weapons or scary for our younger Tigers!

Important Upcoming Dates

Thursday, November 9th - Family Movie Night

Friday, November 10th - NO SCHOOL - Veterans Day

November 13th - 17th - Modified Days all week for Parent/Teacher Conferences - 12:05 PM Dismissal all week

Friday, November 17th - Friday Morning Assembly

Miss Burningham


Sandburg Sunday Message - 10/22/2023

Good Evening Sandburg Tiger Families!

I cannot believe we have already completed over 40 days of the 2023-2024 school year! The year is off to a great start. In the next few weeks we will be finishing our first reporting period and teachers will be reaching out to you to schedule parent/teacher conferences. Our conference period will be November 13-17. We ask that all parents schedule a time to meet with their teachers as you are an important team member in supporting your child’s success at Sandburg.

Verifying Absences

When your student is going to be absent, please call the Sandburg office at 619-605-4700 or email [email protected]. When contacting the school, please include in your email your student’s First and Last name, Teacher and Reason for absence. If a reason is not provided for the absence, it is considered an unverified absence and truancy. When a student has more than 3 unverified absences, we are starting our SART/SARB process and you will receive a letter home discussing your child’s attendance and how we can help to ensure your child is attending school.

Friday Morning Assembly

Our next Friday Morning Assembly is scheduled for this Friday, October 13th. The assembly starts at 7:45. We will have celebrations for our Habit 2 Leaders and celebrate our accomplishments on our school wide WIG. We hope to see you there!

Welcome to New Staff

We have three new staff members who have joined us or will be joining us in the next few weeks. Welcome to Todd Pinkowski as our newest noon duty. Todd is the husband or Kathleen Pinkowski (our school psychologist) and grandpa to 2 Sandburg UTK students. Todd will be helping to supervise our students on the big playground for lunch and recess.

We also want to welcome Ms. Cecelia Lucero as our new 4th grade teacher in room 606. We are sad to see Ms. Danh leave due to having a short term contract. Ms. Lucero is a resident of Mira Mesa and has a daughter who attends Mira Mesa High School. She first began her teaching career in San Diego Unified in 2003.

Finally, we want to welcome Ely Espino as our newest PIF (special education assistant) in Ms. Parekh’s class. Ms. Ely is also a Mira Mesa resident and is looking forward to working in her community to support our students!


Students may wear their Halloween costumes to school on Tuesday, October 31st. All costumes must be school appropriate. No masks or weapons are allowed and costumes cannot be frightening for our younger students. Some grade levels may be doing activities on other days, so please make sure to follow the directions of your classroom teacher. Also, some teachers may have students change into or out of their costumes depending on the classes plans for the day, so be on the lookout for specific directions for your class.

SDUSD School Choice Enrollment Period

If you moved out of the Sandburg boundaries during this school, are a UTK student who is out of Sandburg boundaries and not currently choiced in, or have friends that want to join our amazing Sandburg family, please read the information below. For the groups listed above, if you would like your student to continue here at Sandburg you MUST complete a CHOICE application. The CHOICE program allows students to enroll at their non-neighborhood school.   The CHOICE priority window will be open from Monday, October 2 through Wednesday, November 15, 2023 for the 24-25 school year.  We would enjoy having a continued partnership in educating your students here at Sandburg. Here is a link to the CHOICE program’s website:

San Diego Unified School District will sponsor a Parents as Partners Choice Workshop moderated by the Neighborhood Schools and Enrollment Options Office. 


This forum will:

Provide an overview of the Choice Process

Explain what and when the Priority Window is (October 2 - November 15) 

Provide answers to frequently asked questions by parents and give attendees  the opportunity to ask questions. They will present this topic Wednesday, October 11, 2023 from 5:30pm – 6:30pm and Thursday, October 12, 2023 from 10:00am – 11:00am at Zoom link or Zoom ID: 860 1846 6363. Interpretation services will be available starting 15 minutes before the start of each meeting. If you need interpretation in another language, please click on the link and fill out the form at least 3 days ahead of the workshop:

Important Upcoming Dates

Friday, October 27th - Friday Morning Assembly

Thursday, November 9th - Family Movie Night

Friday, November 10th - NO SCHOOL - Veterans Day

November 13th - 17th - Modified Days all week for Parent/Teacher Conferences - 12:05 PM Dismissal all week

Friday, November 17th - Friday Morning Assembly

Sunday Message - 10/15/23

Good Evening Sandburg Tiger Families!

It was great seeing so many families enjoying our Sandburg Fall Carnival! This carnival is not possible without our amazing Sandburg Foundation and all the volunteers who Synergized to put on this event. Thank you to Jessica Lee for chairing this event and thank you to all of the sub-commitee chairs who put on the Bake Sale, Auction, Decorations, Lighting, etc. I also wanted to thank our amazing Mira Mesa High School students volunteers and Miramar Marines. Without all of you, this event would not have been a huge success!

During the month of October, in Leader in Me we are practicing Habit 2: Begin with an end in mind. As part of Habit 2, we launched our school-wide Wildly Important Goal (WIG) to read 1.5 million minutes by the end of the school year. In our first week, our Sandburg Tigers have already read over 40,000 minutes! Check out the links below to see how you can support our reading goal and Leader in Me at home.

Readers are Leaders - Family Newsletter

Have a Plan - Family Activity

Create the Big Picture - 7 Habits Reflection Video

Living on Purpose - 7 Habits Reflection Video

SDUSD School Choice Enrollment Period

If you moved out of the Sandburg boundaries during this school, are a UTK student who is out of Sandburg boundaries and not currently choiced in, or have friends that want to join our amazing Sandburg family, please read the information below. For the groups listed above, if you would like your student to continue here at Sandburg you MUST complete a CHOICE application. The CHOICE program allows students to enroll at their non-neighborhood school.   The CHOICE priority window will be open from Monday, October 2 through Wednesday, November 15, 2023 for the 24-25 school year.  We would enjoy having a continued partnership in educating your students here at Sandburg. Here is a link to the CHOICE program’s website:

San Diego Unified School District will sponsor a Parents as Partners Choice Workshop moderated by the Neighborhood Schools and Enrollment Options Office. 


This forum will:

Provide an overview of the Choice Process

Explain what and when the Priority Window is (October 2 - November 15) 

Provide answers to frequently asked questions by parents and give attendees  the opportunity to ask questions. They will present this topic Wednesday, October 11, 2023 from 5:30pm – 6:30pm and Thursday, October 12, 2023 from 10:00am – 11:00am at Zoom link or Zoom ID: 860 1846 6363. Interpretation services will be available starting 15 minutes before the start of each meeting. If you need interpretation in another language, please click on the link and fill out the form at least 3 days ahead of the workshop:

After School Art Class with Mr. Leo

Please sign up if you are interested in joining art classes with Mr.Leo. Classes will take place weekly on Thursdays Afterschool from 12:15-2:15 pm.
Class price: $32/class (32x6+25=$217)
A one-time material fee of $25. 

Estimated Start date - 11/09/2023 Class size limit: 12- 20 students

Thursday After School Art Class Sign-up Sheet (

Extra Modified Day

We have an extra modified day scheduled on Wednesday, October 18th, for staff professional development. Please make arrangements to ensure your student is picked up at 12:05 PM.

Mira Mesa Epicenter Information Session

The Mira Mesa Cluster Schools Committee is hosting an information session for the Epicenter project that is underway! Please plan to join us:

 Date: November 1, 2023

Time: 6-7:30pm

Where: MMHS Media Center

Come hear the plans for the site and for the programming. We'll put a spotlight on student voice with a student panel to weigh in on how to design experiences that will serve teens well.  Finally, there will be plenty of time for questions.

Epicenter Flyer

Important Upcoming Dates

Wednesday, October 18th - Additional Modified Day for Staff PD - 12:05 PM dismissal

Friday, October 27th - Friday Morning Assembly

Thursday, November 9th - Family Movie Night

Friday, November 10th - NO SCHOOL - Veterans Day

November 13th - 17th - Modified Days all week for Parent/Teacher Conferences - 12:05 PM Dismissal all week

Friday, November 17th - Friday Morning Assembly


Miss Burningham

Sunday Message - 10/8/23

Good Evening Sandburg Tiger Families!

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend! We have a busy month ahead at Sandburg! One of our biggest Sandburg Foundation events of the year, the Sandburg Fall Carnival, will be this Friday, October 13. You won’t want to miss the fun-filled evening, which includes carnival games, food, cakewalk, silent auction, and much much more!

In October, we also celebrate Filipinx / Filipino American History Month! The celebration of Filipino American History Month in October commemorates the first recorded presence of Filipinos in the continental United States, which occurred on October 18, 1587, when “Luzones Indios” came ashore from the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de Esperanza and landed at what is now Morro Bay, California. HERE is a fun video from Blue’s Clues to celebrate being Filipino!

October in San Diego is also Kids Free San Diego. There are many free museums and other activities for children across San Diego. Click HERE for more information.

Mira Mesa Schools Cluster Activities

Please join in the upcoming Mira Mesa Schools Cluster Activities. The Cluster committee activities are open to everyone who wants to learn more about our Mira Mesa Cluster of schools.

October 11 4:30-5:30pm - Meet the Area Supt: We'll introduce the community to our new Area Supt AND spend time mapping out the rest of the Cluster calendar for the year.  This session is hybrid - LIVE in the media center at MMHS and via zoom.  This FLYER is provided by Dr. Gomez's office - it includes the zoom link for those joining us virtually.   

November 1 6-7:30pm - Epicenter Community Information/Input Event

This session is being held at the MMHS Media Center. This event is designed to both share current plans (actual structural plans are finalized) AND get input from stakeholders on programming. More information to come.

Friday Morning Assembly and Principal/AP Coffee Chat

Our next Friday Morning Assembly and Principal/AP Coffee Chat is scheduled for this Friday, October 13th. The assembly starts at 7:45 and our Coffee Chat starts immediately following the assembly at about 8:15. We will have celebrations for our top Run Club Tigers and talk more about Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind.

2024-2025 School Calendar

Did you know that next school year is starting even earlier than it did this year? As the San Diego Unified School District works to more closely align our schedule with the community colleges and other surrounding districts, our district calendar is changing. School will begin on Monday, August 12th, 2024 and will end on Thursday, May 29th, 2025. Please use the calendar linked before to make your plans for next school year.

2024-2025 SDUSD Instructional Calendar

Extra Modified Day

We have an extra modified day scheduled on Wednesday, October 18th, for staff professional development. Please make arrangements to ensure your student is picked up at 12:05 PM.

Miss Burningham

Sandburg Sunday Message - 10/01/23

Good Evening Sandburg Tiger Families!

I cannot believe it is already October…this year sure is flying by as we are having an amazing year learning and having fun! Talking about having fun, don’t forget to put our Sandburg Fall Carnival on your calendar. It is a highlight of the year for our Sandburg Tigers and their families. Check out the Sandburg Foundation Friday email for more information on pre-purchasing tickets/food and volunteering to make this event a success!

During the month of October, we also recognize LGBTQIA+ History Month. At Sandburg we value and respect all students and families and make sure that our curriculum is reflective of the students and families we serve. We want our students to see themselves and their families in the stories we read, no matter their gender identity, sexual orientation, culture, language and/or ethnicity. 

LGBTQIA+ History Month Resources

Leader in Me - Wildly Important Goals

If you were at our Friday Morning Assembly, you heard about our Leader in Me school wide Wildly Important Goal. Our students and staff have set a goal to read 1.5 million minutes by the end of the school year. To help achieve this goal, all students will participate in daily independent reading, from 10 minutes for our youngest students, to 30 minutes for our older students. Our students will practice choosing books of interest and building their stamina to read the whole time. As we reach milestones on the way to achieving our goal, we will celebrate those accomplishments. Students will also be setting individual and classroom goals to help achieve our school wide goal!

We would love to have you support our Leader in Me work at home by incorporating Wildly Important Goals (WIGS). We have linked some resources below.

The Importance of Goals

Video From Sean Covey

World Teacher Day - October 5th

Thursday, October 5th is celebrated across the world as World Teacher’s Day. Our Sandburg Student Lighthouse Team would like to invite all students to participate in “Dress Like Your Teacher Day!” We encourage students to be creative and put together an outfit they think their teacher would wear to help us celebrate our wonderful Sandburg teachers!

Updated School Calendar and Change in Principal/AP Coffee Chat

Attached below you will find the updated school calendar. The date for our fall carnival is updated and we are also adjusting the dates of our Principal/AP Coffee Chat. The coffee chat will now be attached to the first assembly of the month, instead of the last assembly of the month.

Sandburg School Calendar

Lost and Found (RA)

Our lost and found is getting very full. Next week you will see it hung on the front fence of school. At the end of the week, all items that are not claimed will be donated. It is very helpful if your child’s name and room number can be on any items sent to school. This helps us to be able to return them to the appropriate students.

Sandburg Partnership with the Marines

We have a wonderful partnership with our Miramar Marines. They currently participate in PE with our 5th grade students and help at Sandburg events. We are looking to enhance this partnership and Sgt. Ibarra from the Marines is  looking for ideas/suggestions on how they can support the Sandburg community. Please fill out the google form below if you have ideas. 

Sandburg/Marine Partnership Ideas

Monthly Newsletter

This week you should have received the first edition of our Tiger Times Newsletter. Every month, we will send home a printed newsletter highlighting what’s happening at Sandburg Elementary. This newsletter is a collaboration with our amazing Sandburg Foundation and is not possible without the countless volunteer hours from our parents. Thank you to Amanda Courtney and Kelly Wennerberg for taking lead on the newsletter!

Tiger Times Newsletter

Mosquito Bites

Not only at school, but throughout the community we are seeing a huge problem with mosquitos. Our wonderful custodial crew have put in the necessary work orders to put the issue on the district’s radar, but the district is limited on what can be used on school property. We have also inspected the campus to ensure there is not standing water that could be adding to the issue. If your child is experiencing issues with mosquitoes, we encourage you to have them wear long pants/sleeves, put on spray before school or wear a mosquito repellent bracelet. 

School Choice Application

For parents/guardians seeking enrollment for their child in a school other than the school of residence, the Enrollment Options Online Application will be open from October 2 - November 15, 2023. Parents have the opportunity to submit an online Enrollment Options application via the School Choice Program by accessing the district website at

Choice applications are required for all non-resident pupils wishing to enroll in a school including: 

  • Incoming younger siblings of currently enrolled Choice pupils 

  • UTK pupils wishing to remain for Kindergarten and placed/enrolled in a site that is not the school of residence 

  • Pupils who were enrolled as residents and then moved out of a school’s area but wish to remain enrolled 

Choice applications are not needed for: 

  • Resident pupils 

  • Currently enrolled Choice pupils who have not moved out of the district 

San Diego Unified Health and Wellness Hotline

As we continue prioritizing wellness and well-being in our school communities, we are pleased to announce the launch of the San Diego Unified Health & Wellness Hotline. This resource will serve as a hub for students, staff, and families to call for information and connections to community, health, and district resources. The Health & Wellness Hotline, 760-334-7878, is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. It will be closed on district holidays. 

Students, staff, and families are encouraged to use this hotline for a range of support, resources and referrals. Hotline staff will keep your conversations confidential and can connect you to neighborhood specific resources for a range of needs, including food, clothing, and housing assistance; health insurance; general medical and dental care services; wellbeing resources; district support and more. We recommend saving the number 760-334-7878 to your phone, and visiting our website for more information.

Ms. Debbie in our Health Office also has updated our Wellness Bulletin Board. It can be found right outside of the health office, so please check it out sometime.

Extra Day Off - October 6th

Please remember there is no school on Friday, October 6th. School will resume on Monday, October 9th.

Extra Modified Day

We have an extra modified day scheduled on Wednesday, October 18th, for staff professional development. Please make arrangements to ensure your student is picked up at 12:05 PM.

Miss Burningham

Sandburg Sunday Message - 9/21/23

Good Evening Sandburg Tiger Families!

It was great seeing so many of our Tiger Families at our Back to School Dinner and Bingo. Thank you to our amazing team of volunteers, led by Danielle Bailey and Carissa Singh, and our Sandburg Foundation for putting on this wonderful event! Our next Sandburg Foundation family engagement event will be our Fall Carnival on October 13th (Friday the 13th)! Be on the lookout for information about how you can volunteer to help make the event a huge success.

Happy Yom Kippur to all who celebrate this time of year!

Friday Assembly and Principal/AP Coffee Chat

Our next Friday morning assembly will be on Friday, September 29th at 7:45 AM. We invite you to come and celebrate with our Sandburg Tigers! Following the assembly is our September Principal/AP Coffee Chat (from approximately 8:15-8:45). If you have a question you want addressed or a topic you want discussed, you may submit them HERE.

No Place For Hate

We are starting up our No Place for Hate program at Sandburg.  Please see attached letter from our School Counselor and NPFH Coordinator Sara Bauman.  All 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students are invited to an interest meeting on Monday, 9/25/23 in the library.  At this meeting they will hear more about the program and details on how to become a No Place for Hate student committee member for the 2023-24 school year. 

No Place For Hate letter

Arrival Gates and Times

We are noticing that many students are running in the gates at the last minute in the mornings. We know traffic can be a bit crazy, but please plan ahead so your child arrives by 7:40 AM. At 7:40 AM, the bell rings that signals teachers to pick up students from their line up spots and head to class to be ready to begin their day at 7:45 AM. Students who come in after 7:40 AM are often a little shaken up trying to find where they are supposed to be and where their class is. Starting tomorrow (Monday 9/25), the UTK/Kindergarten playground gate will close just after the 7:40 AM bell, so our teachers on duty can join their classes and head to the classroom on time. The 2 blue gates will close promptly at 7:45 AM. We appreciate your support in helping your child arrive at school on time.

No School October 6th

We wanted to remind everyone that there is a district non-instructional day planned for Friday, October 6th. There is no school that day and it is not a working day for our teachers, support staff, office staff or paraeducators. 

New Sandburg Independent Contract Procedures

Prior to approving any independent contracts, parents will now need to meet with Mrs. Ligon or Miss Burningham to review your students attendance record, academic concerns, the school calendar and importance of attendance. We can typically schedule these meetings just after dropoff (8:00-8:15) or just before pickup (1:45-2:00). Please make sure to contact the office at least 2 weeks prior to any planned absence to provide us time to schedule this meeting and provide time for teachers to prepare work.

Upcoming Important Dates

September 29th - Friday Morning Assembly 7:45 AM

September 29th - Principal and AP Coffee Chat 8:15 AM

Friday, October 6th - NO SCHOOL - District scheduled non-instructional day

Friday, October 13th - Fall Carnival

Wednesday, October 18th - Additional Modified Day 12:05 Dismissal


Miss Burningham

Sandburg Sunday Message - 9/17/2023

Good Evening Sandburg Tiger Families!

It was great seeing so many of you at our Friday Morning Assembly. The students were so excited to see PAWS the Tiger make an experience, so if you were not here and they said they saw a tiger at school today…that is our wonderful mascot.

Latin(x/e) Heritage Month, also known as Hispanic Heritage Month, is observed from September 15 through October 15 and recognizes the culture, history, struggle, contributions, and achievements of Latin(x/e) Americans. On Tuesday, September 12, the Board of Education adopted a resolution formally recognizing Latin(x/e) Heritage Month. The resolution and flag-raising coincides with the beginning of the heritage month, a period of time intrinsically linked to the independence anniversaries of several Latin American nations. Please see the Latinx Heritage Month Guide linked HERE.

Leader in Me

Sandburg Elementary is a Leader in Me school. Throughout the year you will have the opportunity to learn more about Leader in Me and how you can support the 7 Habits at home. This month we are highlighting Habit 1: Be eProactive. Please see the Welcome to Leader in Me letter and our first family worksheet: I’m in Charge of Me. This activity will help your family learn more about and practice Habit 1: Be Proactive.

Welcome to Leader in Me

Family Worksheet: I’m in Charge of Me

Sandburg Elementary Assistant - Welcome Ms. Rashmi

I am excited to welcome Ms. Rashmi as our new Sandburg Elementary Attendance Assistant. Ms. Rashmi will work in the front office daily from 7:30-10:45 and will be able to assist with all of your attendance needs. Here is a little message from Ms. Rashmi!

I'm Rashmi, and I'm thrilled to join the Sandburg Elementary family as your new Attendance Assistant.  I have worked with elementary school students in different capacities over the years. Looking forward to seeing our little tigers on Monday.”

You can still call the office at 619-605-4700 or email [email protected] to report absences and for all other attendance related questions, Ms. Rashmi’s e-mail is [email protected].

Sandburg Morning Run and Walk Club

We are excited to begin our Sandburg Morning Run and Walk Club on Monday (9/18). The blue gate between the office and the 300 building will open at 7:20 for students and families who will be participating in Run Club. At that time, students should walk directly to the back field to get their run club cards. Parents and families may join students for Run Club, but need to either participate or volunteer. There should not be spectators standing around. Parents need to be exiting campus by 7:40 when the bell rings and students are picked up by their teachers to go to class. These rules are in place so that we are able to maintain a secure campus. Parents should not be walking students to class. UTK and Kindergarten students should be dropped off at the back gate of the UTK/K playground or parents should walk them around to the regular drop off gate. No parents should be on the Kindergarten/UTK playground before school.

The front gate will continue to open at 7:25 for students coming for breakfast. All students not doing Run Club or breakfast should arrive between 7:30-7:40 and go directly to your line up spot to line up. ALL students should be on campus and in line by 7:40.

Student Attendance

We are seeing a large amount of students missing school for vacations and appointments. All vacations and appointments should be scheduled around our school holidays and schedule. For health appointments that cannot be scheduled after school or on a half day, please try to make them at the beginning or end of the day so that students can attend school for the remainder of the day. In addition, for mid-day appointments, students should attend school before and after their appointment. 

For vacations, you will now need to meet with school staff prior to vacation contracts being approved, so that we can discuss the impact the vacation will have on your child’s learning and progress. We must be informed of the vacation at least two weeks prior to the absence so that this meeting can be scheduled and so that the teacher can prepare work for the student to complete if the vacation contract is approved.

Make-Up Picture Day, Monday , September 18th

Gerardy Photography was on campus on Monday, September 11th to take all students’ fall pictures. If your student was absent that day, makeup pictures will be taken on Monday, September 18th. Picture proofs will be sent home in the next few weeks for those interested in ordering school pictures.

Upcoming Important Dates

September 23rd - Back to School Dinner and Bingo

September 29th - Friday Morning Assembly 7:45 AM

September 29th - Principal and AP Coffee Chat 8:15 AM

Friday, October 6th - NO SCHOOL - District scheduled non-instructional day

Friday, October 13th - Fall Carnival

Wednesday, October 18th - Additional Modified Day 12:05 Dismissal

Sandburg Sunday Message - 9/10/2023

Good Evening Sandburg Tiger Families!
I hope you had a great weekend! It is crazy to think that we have already completed three weeks of school. Thank you for working hard to get your child to school every day and on time. Thank you also for following all traffic safety laws and posted signs to ensure our Tigers arrive to school and leave safely. Please remember that there is no parking in the loading zone and you must stay in your car at all times when pulling up in front of school. There is also no parking in the bus zone. 

Health and Wellness Guidelines

As everyone has returned to school, we are seeing an increase in student illness and more specifically COVID at school. Please remember that students who are sick and not feeling well should not be coming to school. If students are sick, they must be fever free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school. Students may also not return to school until 24 hours after vomiting. For students that are experiencing cold and covid-like symptoms, the symptoms must be improving and students must be feeling well enough to attend school and participate in the day’s activities. Please see the San Diego County Office of Education COVID-19 Decision Tree for more information on possible COVID-19 cases and when students and staff can return to school.

COVID 19 Decision Tree

UTK/K Potty Training

As UTK and Kindergarten students begin full days of school, we are seeing an increase in students having accidents and students being unable to change their own clothes. We understand that accidents do happen, but our teachers are unable to change students or assist them in the bathroom. Teachers take regular bathroom breaks with their students throughout the day and encourage all students to use the bathroom. Please make sure students are wearing clothes that they can change on their own if they have an accident. Loose fitting elastic bottoms are the easiest for students to change. Tight leggings and jeans are more difficult.

At home, please practice having your child dress and undress themselves and encourage them to use the bathroom whenever the class is taking a bathroom break. When students have accidents and are not able to change themselves they have to be brought to the health office for assistance or a special education staff member has to be pulled from their regular assignment to support. This pulls both the teachers and the aides away from other students that require their support. If students are repeatedly having accidents, we will need to set up a meeting with the family to see what options we have to ensure the student is potty trained in a timely manner. Below you will find more information about the district’s policy and tools for parents.

Potty Training Information and Tools

Extra Modified Day

On Wednesday, September 13th we have an additional modified day for teacher professional development. All students will be dismissed at 12:05pm. This is in addition to our regularly scheduled Thursday modified days.

After School Programs

Heartlight will be returning to Sandburg for dance classes after school on Wednesdays beginning in October. Please see this flyer for more details.

Job Opening

We are currently looking to hire a paid noon duty employee to work Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11:20am - 12:45pm. If you are interested, please return this completed application to the office.

Friday Morning Assembly

Our next Friday morning assembly is scheduled for this coming Friday, 9/15, from 7:45-8:15. We invite all families to join us.

GO Tigers!

Miss Burningham

Sandburg Sunday Message - 9/3/2023

Good Evening Sandburg Tiger Families!

We had a great 2nd week of school and we loved seeing so many families at our Back To School Night. If you missed the classroom presentations, teachers will send home any important information that was missed.

Observed the first Monday in September, Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.

Labor Day Holiday

NO SCHOOL Monday, September 4th for Labor Day. Enjoy the long weekend! We will see you on Tuesday, September 5th.

Morning Arrival at School

We have seen a large number of students being dropped off well before 7:25 AM. Campus is not open until 7:25 AM, as we do not have staff supervision until that time. The gates will now be closed until 7:25 AM and will open at that time for breakfast.

Sandburg Run Club

Our wonderful Sandburg Morning Run Club will begin on Monday, September 18th. We will talk more about this at our Friday morning assembly on September 15th.

After School Programs

Sing & Speak Spanish offers after school Spanish instruction on Mondays and Tuesdays in B2/B3 from 2:10-3:10pm. To register, please see this flyer

Kids Map the Earth is a STEM class that meets on Mondays in B2 from 2:10-3:10pm.. To find out more and for registration information, check out their flyer.

549 Basketball meets on the blacktop on Thursdays from 12:10-1:10pm, beginning on September 14th. Please see the flyer for more information and to register.

Heartlight will be returning to Sandburg for dance classes after school on Wednesdays beginning in October. Keep an eye out for a flyer coming soon.


Miss Burningham

Sandburg Midweek Message - 8/31/2023

Good Afternoon Sandburg Tiger Families!

We look forward to seeing you tonight at our Sandburg Back to School Night where you will have the opportunity to meet your Tigers’ teachers and learn about the exciting year ahead. We have attached the schedule HERE.

Please remember that whenever possible, this is a parent only event so that you are able to focus on the information being presented. This is also not a time to have individual parent conferences with your child’s teacher. We want to respect all students’ privacy and will not have individual conferences at this time. If you have an individual concern or question, please email your child’s teacher.


Miss Burningham

Sandburg Sunday Message - 8/27/2023

Good Evening Sandburg Tiger Families!

We had a great first week at school and were so happy to see all of our Tigers at school learning and having a great time! It was great seeing many of our families at our first Friday Assembly! In order to ensure everyone’s safety, we ask that you please follow our pick up and drop off procedures.

  • Thank you for dropping off and picking up your Tiger at the appropriate gate. Parents should not be on campus before or after school at this time. Once run club starts on September 18th, parents will be allowed on the back field to participate in or help with run club.

  • The gates open at 7:25 only for students attending breakfast. If students are not going to breakfast, they should not be dropped off until 7:30 AM.

  • Please follow the directions of our morning traffic circle volunteers and our safety patrol. 

Attendance Reporting

Please call the office at 619-605-4700 or email [email protected] to report absences. It is helpful if all absences are reported first thing in the morning. School attendance is extremely important and students should only be missing school for illnesses.


Please complete the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) form by going on PowerSchool Parent Portal (not the child’s account) at   The completion of this makes a significant difference in the amount of LCFF funding the district receives and the amount of Title I funds our school will be allocated. We greatly appreciate all your efforts!

Back to School Night

We hope you will be able to join us for our 2023-2024 Back to School Night. Back to School Night is for parents only and we ask that you leave children at home. During Back to School Night you will be able to meet your child’s teacher and hear about the year ahead. We also hope you can join us in the MPR from 5:45-6:15 for our Title 1 Parent Meeting and to hear about our English Learner Advisory Committee. Please see the flyer below for the full schedule.

Back to School Night Flyer


Would you be interested in serving on the Sandburg Elementary School Site Council and Site Governance Team this year as a parent representative?  Parent representatives on these committees help to advise the principal and school staff on instructional matters and participate in important decisions around Title 1 Funding and much more. To nominate yourself or a fellow parent, you may submit your/his/her name by email ([email protected]) to the school principal by Wednesday, September 6, 2023 or fill out the bottom portion of the flyer attached below which will be sent home this week.

For the coming school year, we have multiple parent/community member openings on these committees. These are two-year positions. The membership term is September 2023 through August 2025. This year meetings will be held on Thursday afternoons at 12:30pm. Our first meeting is Thursday, September 14, from 12:30-2:00 pm via Zoom.

SGT/SSC Parent Representative Flyer

ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee

Public schools with 21 or more English learners must form an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) to advise district officials on English learner programs and services. Topics discussed at these meetings include, English Learner data, English Learner programs, the Sandburg Site Plan for Student Achievement, a needs assessment for our English Language Learners and the importance of attendance.

Meetings will be held at least quarterly and are often held in the evening (the schedule is to be determined based on the availability of interested volunteers). If you are interested in being a voice for Sandburg English Language Learners, please email Ms. Ligon at [email protected] or return the bottom portion of this paper to your child’s teacher. Please return this form by Wednesday, September 6th.

ELAC Flyer

After School Programs

Sing & Speak Spanish offers after school Spanish instruction on Mondays and Tuesdays in B2/B3 from 2:10-3:10pm beginning this week. To register, please see this flyer

Kids Map the Earth is a STEM class that meets on Mondays in B2 from 2:10-3:10pm beginning this week. To find out more and for registration information, check out their flyer.

549 Basketball meets on the blacktop on Thursdays from 12:10-1:10pm, beginning on September 14th. Please see the flyer for more information and to register.

Important Upcoming Dates

Thursday, August 31, 2023 - Sandburg Back To School Night - 5:00-7:00 PM

Monday, September 4, 2023 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day Holiday

Wednesday, September 13, 2023 - Additional Modified Day - 12:05 PM Dismissal

Miss Burningham

Sandburg Midweek Message - 8/23/2023

Good Evening Sandburg Tiger Families!

It has been a great first 2 days of the school year! The students are doing an amazing job adjusting to their new classrooms and our school routines. Please see below for some important midweek reminders.

Sandburg Friday Morning Assembly

Our all campus assemblies have now been moved to Fridays and we will typically have them 2 times a month. The first assembly of the month will focus primarily on our Leader in Me Habit of the month. The second assembly will focus on special recognitions and special events. We invite you to join us on Friday, August 25th for our first assembly of the year. At 7:45 (once students have all lined up at their line-up spots), families are invited to come on campus and gather around the flagpole. All families should gather along the buildings and leave the middle area open for our students.

Principal and Associate Principal Coffee Chat

Following the assembly at approximately 8:15 AM, we will have our Principal and Associate Principal Coffee Chat. Some months there are scheduled topics, but this month will be open for introductions and questions and answers. If you want a question or topic addressed during our monthly coffee chats, please complete the google form HERE. Coffee and donuts will be provided.

Parking and Traffic Rules

The sandburg parking lot is closed after school. Only those with disabled placards are allowed to park in the parking lot. If you have a disabled placard and no parking spots are available, please circle the lot until a space opens up. You may not park in a red zone.

If you choose to pull into the loading zone in front of school, you must remain in the car at all times. The loading Zone goes from the entrance to the Sandburg parking lot along the front of the school. Please also do not block any school driveways or the driveways of our neighbors and only use the crosswalk or the intersection at the park to cross the street. We want all of our Tiger families to be safe. 

Sandburg Sunday Message - 8/20/2023

Good Evening Sandburg Tiger Families!

As we wait to see what this storm is going to bring, I am looking forward to our first day of school, which lies just ahead of us. As you have already heard in today’s previous message, our first day of school will now be on Tuesday, August 22, 2023. Staff will be on campus tomorrow to ensure we are ready for the first day.

Thank you to everyone who has already contributed to a great kickoff of the school year. Thank you to Jessica Lee, the Ritz’ and the Sandburg Foundation for organizing our campus beautification day. We had an amazing turnout where we finished our fence decoration, repainted all of our lunch tables and cleaned up our planter boxes. We also had a wonderful welcome back breakfast for our staff sponsored by the Sandburg Foundation.

Our Sandburg office staff is one of a kind and have been working tirelessly to get the school year off to a great start. This past week, we welcomed back our classroom teachers and many of our paraeducators to also prepare for our students’ arrival. I am so honored to work with such a dedicated staff who have been working so hard to make sure our students are going to have a wonderful year!

Finally, again with the support of our Sandburg Foundation, this past Friday we were able to invite our Sandburg UTK and Kindergarten Tiger Cubs on campus for their orientation. It was great having our students back on campus for the new year!

Please see below for important updates about the first day of school and the coming year.

First Day of School 

We are so excited to welcome everyone on Tuesday, August 22nd, to the first day of the 2023-2024 school year! Our educators and school staff have been working to prepare our classrooms to welcome students and prepare fun, engaging and challenging learning opportunities for our incoming and returning Tigers!

Our drop off procedures will remain the same for the 2023-2024 school year. The back gate will remain closed and parents are expected to drop their Tigers off at our traffic circle or one of our designated dropoff gates. We will have additional staff available to help guide students to their line-up spots where they will meet their teachers. UTK and Kindergarten students will enter through the silver gate closest to the office. First-Fifth grade students may enter through the blue Kindergarten gate or the Main gate at the front of the school. Students in room B12 and B14 may be walked in by a parent or caregiver. You will enter through the gate that is just south of the Kindergarten playground.

Half Days for UTK and Kindergarten

Please remember that during the first 2 weeks of school, UTK and Kindergarten students will be dismissed at 12:05 PM every day. Please ensure someone is able to pick up your child from the Kindergarten playground at this time.

Parking and Traffic

Parking and traffic can be extremely challenging the first few weeks of school and throughout the school year. Please plan ahead and give yourself extra time the first few days. We encourage families who have students that can independently walk to the gates to take advantage of our Sandburg Traffic Circle before school. Before school, you may pull into the Sandburg parking lot and follow the directions of our adult and student volunteers to drop your students off. After school, the parking lot will be closed from 1:45-2:15 and only those with a disabled placard will be able to enter the lot. Please see below for some important parking and traffic reminders to help keep our students, staff and families safe.

  • Please follow the directions from our Sandburg Safety Patrol. Wait at the curbs and only cross when directed to by the safety patrol.

  • Only cross at the designated crosswalk or at the marked intersections.

  • Cars may not park in the bus zone before or after school. This area must be reserved for our school buses.

  • There is NO PARKING in the loading zone. This is for active loading and unloading and you must remain in the car.

Covid Take home Tests

Although it is not required, it is still recommended that all students and staff take a rapid COVID test prior to returning to school Tuesday morning. There has been an increase in recent cases as people return from summer trips. Negative tests do not need to be submitted to the school site. If your student tests positive, please keep them at home and contact the Sandburg Health Office at 619-605-4700 x4. The health office will provide you information about next steps.

Breakfast and Lunch Menus

This year, all students will continue to have the opportunity to have FREE lunch and breakfast at school. Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria/lunch arbor  from 7:25-7:40. Students need to be able to independently go to the cafeteria/lunch arbor for breakfast. We will have staff available to walk UTK/Kindergarten students to the playground to line up with their classes.

You can access the current school breakfast and lunch menus HERE. Click Sandburg in the dropdown menu to see the Kid’s Choice Breakfast and Kid’s Choice Lunch options. 

BTS Night - Save the Date

Our Sandburg Back to School Night will take place on Thursday, August 31st, from 5-7PM. This is a PARENT ONLY evening. All students and siblings should  remain at home. During Back to School Night, you will have the opportunity to meet your children’s teacher, learn about grade level specific curriculum and the expectations for the coming school year. More information will be coming out soon about the schedule and specifics for the evening.

DRAFT Sandburg Calendar

The attached calendar includes important dates to keep in mind for the 2023-2024 school year. This includes both school and foundation events. Please pay special attention to additional modified days that are highlighted in blue. School is dismissed every Thursday at 12:05 PM. In addition, for parent conferences and staff professional development, there are additional modified days throughout the school year. It is important to make pick-up arrangements in advance as all students are dismissed at 12:05 PM on these days.

Sandburg Foundation Take a Tiger to Breakfast

Please join us for our first Sandburg Foundation event of the 2023-2024 school year…Take a Tiger to Breakfast! Please RSVP using the QR code below.

Important Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, August 22nd - First Day of School

Monday, August 28th - Wednesday, August 30th - Take a Tiger to Breakfast

Thursday, August 31st - Back-to-School Night - 5:00 PM-7:00 PM (ADULTS ONLY)

Monday, September 4th - NO SCHOOL for Labor Day

Please stay dry and safe during the storm and we look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!

Miss Burningham

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